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Adriel, remember this old chicken rice restaurant at Upper Thomson Rd that we used to frequent together? You love the food there, especially their salad prawns : )
I avoided going there for a long time, it simply reminds me too much of you. But lately all thanks to a good friend who was willing to make a trip there with me, I was able to step into the restaurant once again to enjoy their good food. I still miss you son, but I thank God that it is not so hurtful for me anymore.
(First posted on Facebook, 16th July 2011)
Adriel, seeing this news reminds me of this bicycle rental place at Bishan that we used to go together with mummy. The station may soon be gone but the precious moments we had riding bikes there together will always remain with me forever : )
(First posted on Facebook, 15th July 2011)
Adriel, this YouTube video which featured both of us as well as many other parents alienated from their children have crossed the 2 thousand viewership mark within just 2 months! I thank God for His blessings on this mass awareness for Parental Alienation. He hears our prayers and He knows our love for all of you : )
(First posted on Facebook, 9th July 2011)
Chan Chun Sing (MCYS): "The research is clear - When fathers r involved positively in the children's lives, they do better mentally, socially, emotionally & academically. When fathers r absent, the -ve impact is just as profound - delinquency increases & psychological problems surface"
Parental Alienation is dis-engaging many S'pore dads, what has the authority done abt it?
(First posted on Facebook, 8th July 2011)
Just met up with another willing & able Singapore parent who is having difficulties with access to his children. Instead of taking steps to assist him bond with his children, the judge scrutinised other aspects of his life and character, and in the process delay and deprived him of his precious opportunities to see his children. It is nothing new that a judge handling the case does make a really huge difference to the outcome, they can either make or break a family. And it is sad that not all judges are as family oriented as they should be.
(First posted on Facebook, 2nd July 2011)
Here's the movie that every dad should bring his son to catch. However, not all Singapore dads and sons can get such valuable opportunities to enjoy that precious bonding time together.
But Adriel, I know we both would have loved it if we do.. : )
(First posted on Facebook, 1st July 2011)
Adriel, it was mummy's birthday on 27th June, here's wishing her a "Happy Birthday", and I hope you all had a good time celebrating with her.
God bless you : )
(First posted on Facebook, 25th June 2011)
Families in many parts of the world are fighting against a corrupted Family Court system to stay in touch with their loved ones.
It is a universal fact that children need the love & presence of both willing & able parents in their lives. Any attempts to distort this truth or do things otherwise is a form of emotional & mental child abuse.
(First posted on Facebook, 24th June 2011)
Adriel, everytime I pass by this library, I will recall all those years ago, I would go there quite often to borrow many Mr Men and Little Miss story books to read to you before your bedtime. You adore these books and were always so excited to hear the stories. I miss those moments with you, son : )
(First posted on Facebook, 18th June 2011)
Remember this place, Adriel? Its where you had your first haircut as a toddler. I remember I had to buy a toy gun for you to play with so as to distract you from crying and struggling during the haircut : )
(First posted on Facebook, 17th June 2011)
Adriel, whenever I passed by our old place in Bishan, I can't help but take a second look at it. Those fond memories I had with you and mommy together will always have a special place in my heart.
(First posted on Facebook, 11th June 2011)
Like many alienated parents around the world, I have been deprived of parenting my child for more than 1,000 days now. But like these parents, I am also not giving up on the pursue. God will help us overcome our struggles, and we must have faith that the truth will come to light one day soon.
(First posted on Facebook, 10th June 2011)
Parental Alienation is Child Abuse, and what you say during a divorce can stay with a child forever, like a tattoo..
The tattoos in this video reads -
"If you go to your fathers you might as well not come back"
"Your mother is ruining us"
"If you take the house, I take the kids"
"Don't think that your father actually wants to see you"
"I wish we'd never had kids"
(First posted on Facebook, 4th June 2011)
Adriel, uncle Chan Chun Sing is the new person heading MCYS. Me and all the other affected parents are hoping and praying that he will look into the existing policies and find ways to improve the deteriorating situation, so as to help the thousands of estranged Singapore children and parents reconnect with each other. God help us all.
(First posted on Facebook, 3rd June 2011)
Here's a shirt given to some of us Singapore fathers by the Dads-For-Life group (MCYS) when we participated & gave feedbacks to their programs to promote parent & child bonding. The irony is that it is also the same shirt that I often wear to look for my son, but to no avail. People often ask me if MCYS has done enough to help the thousands of alienated Singapore parents who are still being deprived of their children every single day. I think the answer should be obvious.
(First posted on Facebook, 28th May 2011)
Here's the outdoor playground on the rooftop of Junction 8, Adriel, I am sure you can recall us playing there together. Playgrounds have always been your favourite places, and to see that smile glowing on your means everything to me : )
(First posted on Facebook, 27th May 2011)
Adriel, every time I see news on uncle Lim Biow Chuan, it reminds me of all the sufferings the family court put us through when he was mommy's lawyer.
Its not easy to forget the pain, but Daddy nvr stops praying to God for the strength to forgive those who tore us apart..
(First posted on Facebook, 21st May 2011)
Adriel, I was passing by this bakery shop at Bishan, and I recalled many years ago me and mommy got a huge birthday cake for you there, and we "hand-delivered" it to your pre-school. You and your friends had a great time celebrating your birthday.. I will always remember all these moments : )
(First posted on Facebook, 20th May 2011)
With the reshuffle in MOE & MCYS, hopefully the suffering will come to an end for the thousands of deprived Singapore children and their parents/grandparents.
May God bless us all.
(First posted on Facebook, 14th May 2011)
Adriel, within just 2 weeks, the views for our video has already crossed the 1,000 mark, its amazing! My prayers go out to the parents/grandparents and children in this video, as well as millions others all over the world.
Children : You are all being missed and loved more than you'd ever know..
(First posted on Facebook, 13th May 2011)
Adriel, I wore this shirt to the voting centre on election day in honour of you and the thousands of Singapore parents/grandparents and children who have been victimised by Parental Alienation. Its time to take a stand and make our voices heard. Nothing else matters more to us parents than our own children.
(First posted on Facebook, 7th May 2011)
Adriel, daddy is not sure if you had been following the elections, but like many other Singaporeans, we are all deeply concerned about our future, and where we stand in our own country. There are many policies and issues that affect our daily lives. But for me & all the other alienated parents in Singapore, we are pursuing for a different cause, one that we can never give up simply because we are fighting for all of you, our very own flesh & blood.. We will continue to raise the awareness of this Parental Alienation issue to an even higher level, so that more & more people will know the type of destruction that has been done to thousands of Singapore families and innocent children.. With so many of these people suffering every single day, its really time for the Singapore authorities to address this worldwide issue seriously.
(First posted on Facebook, 6th May 2011)
Adriel, u remember Uncle Lim Biow Chuan? He was mummy’s lawyer during the days when daddy had problems with my access to u, & also when the judge of Singapore Family Court made an alarming decision to block daddy from u for 6 months. Uncle Lim is a very renowned & efficient lawyer, he is running for election again under PAP, I wish him luck. May GOD watch over our nation.
(First posted on Facebook, 30th April 2011)
Adriel, when daddy visited uncle Sean's place at the Pinnacle@Duxton some months ago, the night view from the sky garden was so beautiful, and immediately I wished at that moment that you were there with me... I hope to go there again soon, and hopefully one day with you too : )
(First posted on Facebook, 29th April 2011)
Adriel, remember Safra Yishun Country Club? I avoided stepping into that place for many years as it reminds me too much of the tender moments me, u & mummy had together there.. But I guess I have gradually learnt to overcome that uneasy feeling as I went there for bowling with some friends a few days ago. We had a wonderful time, and it was especially heart-warming seeing my friends spend time with their children playing together. : )
(First posted on Facebook, 23rd April 2011)
Like myself, many other parents all over the world are deprived of time with their children. I have been busy over the past few days consolidating the information I received from alienated parents worldwide, and also meeting up with my friend (seen in this pic working on his PC) to edit the PA video that we are making for them.
Do pray for us that we will be soon able to upload this video successfully without any major hiccups. Thank you, my friends : )
(First posted on Facebook, 22nd April 2011)
“I will continue to keep you in my prayers.It is wrong that you and your son are kept apart from each other. I will pray that Jesus invades the hearts of the alienators and opens their eyes to the pain, anguish and mental and emotional damage they are causing. These people don't realize that they are not only hurting you, they are hurting your son who is stuck in the middle and they are hurting any chance of a positive relationship with your son as he gets older. If they don't WAKE UP and come to their senses they will fill him with resentment towards them. Please God help this family heal and come together and reach a peaceful resolve with one another.” ~ Mark Peterson, a friend from Boston, Massachusetts, and a brother in Christ. (Thank you Mark, I am blessed to know you)
(First posted on Facebook, 16th April 2011)
“There are some adult children who are victims of PAS, as adults can look back with adult eyes and remember their parent trying to make contact with them, so like my son said to me one time, ‘Don't give up! You can't, because your my mom.’ In this case, you’re Adriel's dad and he wouldn't want you to give up either! So keep knocking and searching, he will know you cared.” ~ Saundra Henry (a friend from Kansas City, Missouri)
(First posted on Facebook, 15th April 2011)
I could not help but take a picture of this place when I passed by that day. I remember how you love to buy fish food from the vendor there and feed the fishes. It was a nice spot that me, you and mummy would go to spend time together.
(First posted on Facebook, 9th April 2011)
Went to look up Adriel but he was not at home. I tried asking my ex mother-in-law if Adriel is still living there with them but she did not answer my question. Instead she just kept parroting "He is not at home! He is not at home!", before closing the door.
I am grateful to 2 of my good friends for accompanying me to look up my son. How I wish I can have some good news to share with them, and all my other friends who care..
(First posted on Facebook, 8th April 2011)
Really envy some friends of mine who are able to take their children to this animation movie. Its a simple joy that is so precious and yet something that many parents would take for granted.
Alienated parents : Keep strong, we are one day closer to being with our children : )
(First posted on Facebook, 2nd April 2011)
This video is about a boy name Adolf... Over decades, thousands of Singapore children & millions worldwide hv suffered the same way he did...
Too many unethical parties hv been benefiting & reaping rewards fr this emotional/mental child abuse - this cannot go on.
How many more children must suffer before the authorities are willing to put a stop to this silent killer?
(First posted on Facebook, 1st April 2011)