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Daddy was at one of your fav eating places again for dinner. I am sure you can recognize this place by the things in the pic : )
(First posted on Facebook, 4th November 2011)
Adriel, this is your other cousin Jya whom u never got a chance to meet. He is in nursery school now and I am sure you will like him if you get to see him one day.
(First posted on Facebook, 29th October 2011)
Adriel, this is your cousin Koa. You used to play with him when he was a toddler. He is 7 now, and we all pray that some day soon u will get to meet him again.
(First posted on Facebook, 28th October 2011)
Unlike most children who will be most willing to pose for a picture, u had been told to turn away from the camera whenever I want to take a photo of u. Nevertheless, its still u in this picture - my one and only dearest son.
(First posted on Facebook, 22nd October 2011)
This photo reminds me of a sad day some years ago. At Bishan Junction 8, u shocked me with your sudden display of hostility and told me to leave u alone before walking away. I know what you have been put through all these years son....but u can rest assured that I'd always love u with all my heart.
(First posted on Facebook, 21st October 2011)
Adriel, we came here in the evening some years ago and stopped by at this fitness park before we head on to cross the Henderson Bridge. It was one of our last outings together.
(First posted on Facebook, 15th October 2011)
Adriel, remember the day when I drove you and mummy to this place near Fullerton hotel? I even brought your bicycle along for you to enjoy a nice ride there. Those were memorable times that I will never forget : )
(First posted on Facebook, 14th October 2011)

To all alienated parents struggling to be with their children :
"Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart." ~ Steve Jobs (1955 - 2011)
(First posted on Facebook, 8th October 2011)
Dedicated to all alienated parents :
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” ~ Steve Jobs (1955-2011)
(First posted on Facebook, 7th October 2011)
Adriel, its our 100th time being denied of access. People ask me how I manage to survive this madness & pain, I tell them God's promises and my love for you kept me going.
Here's that special song that Mr Howard Jones himself was very kind enough to allow me to use for my YouTube video for u. I dedicate it to all the alienated parents with the message : Be there for our children, right till the end.
(First posted on Facebook, 1st October 2011)
During one of our last outings together in 2008, you were happily playing with this huge cardboard and sliding down the slope at this Vivo City playground. It was such a precious moment for me to see that child-like joy on your face, son... : )
(First posted on Facebook, 30th September 2011)
Adriel, here's a special spot at Ngee Ann City that I will always remember. We used to stand here watch Tom & Jerry on the big screen together all those years ago. Daddy is still missing you, son..
(First posted on Facebook, 24th September 2011)
All this father wanted was to see his son, but attempts to visit him every weekend were in vain. The last time he saw his son was in February for half an hour.
"I didn't do anything wrong. From start to finish, I just wanted to see my son. If she had just allowed me to take my son out on weekends, I wouldn't have had to pressure her by going to court."
(First posted on Facebook, 23rd September 2011)
This video looks at the big business and money motives behind the family law machine; it urges state legislators and others to fix courts, and it proposes a solution that would protect children. This film is a call to action if you care about this grave injustice that must be seen to be believed.
(First posted on Facebook, 17th September 2011)
Parental Alienation at its worst....and its happening here in Singapore.
"It was understood by many that the deceased doted on her son. After she was separated from her husband, she became so worried that her husband would get custody of their son that she defied court orders to let him visit Jerlad. She even commented that she would rather drown herself than let her husband ‘take him away’."
(First posted on Facebook, 16th September 2011)
A parent doing skydiving to create awareness on Parental Alienation - "a complex kind of hate played out over years that devastate any family and scars kids for life... Family Court laws are currently set up in a way that not only encourages, but also rewards such (Parental Alienation) behaviours..."
(First posted on Facebook, 10th September 2011)
A short but touching video an alienated parent made for his daughter Myla Hillman. She is over a year and a half, and she helped to grow the melon in the video from seed with her water in bucket only a few months ago.
(First posted on Facebook, 9th September 2011)
“A parent suffering from HAP (Hostile Aggresive Parenting) will do their best to interfere with the relationship of a child with the other parent. Such interferences could include using an older sibling to control the child, guilting the child into submission, not allowing telephone, email, mail, or any other communication between the child and the other parent” ~ Judy Oliveira
(First posted on Facebook, 3rd September 2011)
In our battle against Parental Alienation, very often we are reminded of the hurts & sufferings that we hv been put thru by the alienators, their lawyers, & a family court system that hardly does anything effective to help us connect with our children. Learn to let go and focus on our pursue to be our children anyway, it is tough but it is possible.
(First posted on Facebook, 2nd September 2011)
You think Parental Alienation is unreal? Listen to what this child who grew up with a narcissistic parent has to say -
(First posted on Facebook, 27th August 2011)
All children need both willing and able parents, any attempts to distort this universal truth is a form of emotional child abuse.
(First posted on Facebook, 26th August 2011)
Parental Alienation is kidnapping, and a serious form of emotional and mental child abuse. Anyone who justifies a claim to keep a willing and able parent from the child is an accomplice of this humanity crime.
(First posted on Facebook, 20th August 2011)
Adriel, I remember how I used to hold your hand as you walked on the side platform of this bridge at Clark Quay. Miss you still ~ Dad.
(First posted on Facebook, 19th August 2011)
Adriel, here's a toy brand that the both of us used to play as kids... How can I ever forget? : )
(First posted on Facebook, 13th August 2011)
"This is a great documentary! ♥ My wish to many who are not able to see their children that this happens for them. Steve Monk-Dalton, Cheng Wee, I hope this inspires you and one day closer I do hope for you comes before 10 years has passed ♥" ~ Catherine M. Craig
(First posted on Facebook, 12th August 2011)

"I'm so sorry Wee. I know all too well how heartbreaking and devastating it is to be separated from your child by unjust (and most often corrupt) courts and alienating relatives. As an adult survivor of PA, I know the adverse effects that being separated from one half of your family can have on one's life. It's not fair to the child, the alienated parent or all of those that love the child that are prevented from communication due to their association with the alienated parent. Hang in there Wee. I have a dream that our sons will someday meet, and be one of many voices who speak out against PA. ♥" ~ Darlene Dreisch
(First posted on Facebook, 6th August 2011)
I remember during one of our last outings 3 years ago, you were rooted to this spot at PageOne bookstore at Vivo City because they were playing your favourite Tom & Jerry show : ) Thinking of you ~ Dad
(First posted on Facebook, 5th August 2011)
I was at Marina Barage the other day and saw this really nice spot. It would have been a great place for us to have fun together had we been able to spend quality bonding time with each other. I am still missing you, Adriel.
(First posted on Facebook, 30th July 2011)
Paul's an inspiration to all of us alienated parents. We may not be dead, but our children are leading their lives every day without us because of the alienators, as well as a family court system which they can make use as easy platforms to cruelly separate us from our children.
Keep strong, and always do your best for your children.
(First posted on Facebook, 29th July 2011)
Just went to the Family Court to make some enquiries and I really dislike the feeling of stepping into that place. It dampened my mood for the rest of the day. When I met up with some friends after that, most of them were unaware that I was not exactly ready to be teased, joke or laugh heartily. But I am grateful to the 1 or 2 more sensitive ones who do understand how difficult it is for us alienated parents.
(First posted on Facebook, 23rd July 2011)
Adriel, I'm sure u can recall this familiar tune that we used to play at home. You would always giggle whenever I pretend to put on a frowning face when I hear this sad melody.
I have learnt to frown less and smile more - for the ones I love : )
(First posted on Facebook, 22nd July 2011)